Recently, since my last post a lot has happened, and I'm glad to say they were all happy things. This is the first ever summer vacation that I've felt like I'm being active and spending time with friends and family or exploring places and new things. Its my last long vacation before I start work and I really want to make the best of it. Its quite draining to have your life relatively jammed packed, (its not quite as busy as other people), but nonetheless its considered a lot for someone like me who is used to a slower pace. I've just unloaded my camera for my upcoming (lol tomorrow's) Japan trip and here are some photos.
Primrose Hillで、
おとうとのBMT(Basic Military Training) 卒業式。
日曜日にシンガポールのGardens by the Bayをはじめて見た。すごい綺麗なところです。
シンガポールのBotanical Gardensです。

Japan has been my number 1 destination I had want to visit since many years ago when I started being interested in its culture (lol less sophisticated-ly, all started from anime =_=) . And now I'm finally taking my maiden trip to the place. I must admit, I'm a little more wary travelling to Japan now at this age (compared to if I had done so maybe half a decade ago) I've read many travel posts and Japan-related articles until now, and its definitely one of the most spoken/written about travel destination in the world, and all mostly postive. It does take away some of the excitement since you've already read hundreds of accounts and things haven't really changed much since then. Its like watching a movie after reading many many reviews about it. So, this time, I'm hoping I'll be able to discover my own view and experiences in spite of all the prior expectations I may have.
Here's to the next 2 weeks~! 

P.s. I should really start packing!